Все рецепты

Паста с моллюсками: пошаговый рецепт блюда

221 оценка
Паста с моллюсками
20 мин
20 мин
4 порции


Спагетти250 г
Моллюски1 литр
Стебель сельдерея1
Масло10 г
Дождь оливкового масла1
Веточки петрушки5


1Замочите моллюсков в прохладной воде на 2 часа, а затем тщательно промойте. Раскройте их в посуде для запекания на сильном огне, помешивая.
2Растопите масло на сковороде и протрите очищенный и измельченный лук-шалот. Добавьте нарезанный помидор и нарезанный кубиками сельдерей, соль и перец и готовьте 5 мин.
3Тем временем варить макароны в кипящей подсоленной воде, выдерживая ее в состоянии «аль денте». Слейте воду из спагетти и вылейте их на сервировочное блюдо. Добавьте моллюсков и содержимое сковороды, посыпьте рубленой петрушкой и подавайте.

Описание рецепта Паста с моллюсками:

If you're in search of a simple yet delicious pasta recipe, look no further than Pasta with Mollusks! This dish is perfect for a quick and easy dinner at home or for a special occasion.

To prepare this dish, begin by soaking the mollusks in cool water for two hours before rinsing them thoroughly. Once you've done that, place them in a baking dish and broil them over high heat, stirring occasionally. Meanwhile, melt butter in a skillet and sauté chopped shallots until they're fragrant.

Next, add diced tomatoes and chopped celery to the shallots, along with some salt and pepper. Cook everything together for about five minutes, then set it aside. While that's cooking, bring a pot of salted water to a boil and add the spaghetti. Cook until al dente, then drain the pasta and transfer it to a serving dish.

Add the broiled mollusks and the contents of your skillet to the pasta, and toss everything together gently. Sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves to finish off the dish, and serve immediately. This recipe makes enough for four servings, so it's perfect for a small, casual get-together or for a cozy family dinner.

One of the best things about this dish is the variety of flavors and textures it offers. The mollusks are tender and meaty, while the spaghetti is chewy and delicious. The combination of sautéed vegetables and fresh herbs gives the dish a unique depth that's hard to resist. And, with a medium calorie count, you can enjoy this meal in moderation without worrying too much about your diet.

Overall, Pasta with Mollusks is a simple yet satisfying recipe that anyone can make at home. Whether you're looking for a quick weekday meal or a tasty dinner party entree, this dish is sure to impress. So why not give it a try tonight, and see how delicious simplicity can be?

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